Monday, February 25, 2013

Its Alive. Its Alive!!!

So glad I finally finished. Everything is heavily secured to the frame. The wiring is pretty clean, but it peaks out a little just to show it off. I'm satisfied with the new top speed, 21mph. Here are some pictures of it in my driveway, and on a trail I took it on:

Monday, February 18, 2013

The making of a battery tray...

 Got some epoxy, and the aluminum supports so it became time to make a mount for the batteries! Pictures: 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Wiring is hard...

Started splitting wires and making connections. Got the throttle, motor, and key switch connected. All that is left for the project is mounting everything, and wiring the batteries and charger. But in order to wire the charger, I first need to determine which wire is positive, and which is negative. So, I will have to bring it to a friend with a charge tester, and finally buy some mounting brackets for the batteries. Hopefully I will be done soon. Here are some pictures: